Università degli Studi Guglielmo Marconi – Italy
Coordination and management, Gasification and SOFC test

Agenzia nazionale per le nuove tecnologie, l’energia e lo sviluppo economico sostenibile – Italy
Biomass and waste gasification, chemical looping and fuel cells technologies validation and transfer to market, process modelling and overall assessment.

Fundación Tecnalia Research & Innovation – Spain
Developing of oxygen separation membranes and CO2 conversion oxygen separation reactor

ICI Caldaie SpA – Italy
Auxiliary development and manufacturing, integration and testing of the reactors at lab scale and production of the PFD of the complete system for further industrialisation.

Technische Universiteit Eindhoven – The Netherlands
Lab-scale testing of methanol synthesis membrane reactor

Agencia estatal consejo superior deinvestigacione scientificas – Spain
HTC – HydroThermal Carbonization pre-treatment

Marrion Technologies S.A.
Synthesis of CO2 sorbent and catalytic materials

Calida Cleantech – Germany
Supplier of filter elements and the hot gas conditioning system.

Forschungszentrum Jülich – Germany
Lab-scale investigations and thermodynamic modelling of behaviour and control of ashes and volatile inorganic species as well as their interactions with several materials throughout the process.

IRIS SRL – Italy
Engineering a TRL4 prototype starting from DBD solutions validated by laboratory tests, including a scale up. In addition to this, IRIS will support the integration between gasification and the DBD system.

Università dell’Aquila
On the basis of the experience of University of L’Aquila regarding the fluidized bed gasification systems and the hot gas cleaning and conditioning by means of catalytic filter candles, the University of L’Aquila will contribute to the following tasks in GICO project: T2.1.2. Feedstocks for sorption enhanced gasification (SEG) campaign: characterization of untreated and HTC pre-treated biomass; T2.3 Hot gas conditioning; T2.5 SEG and sorbent regeneration tests; T4.2 lab tests; T4.3: GICO process testing, In particular University of L’Aquila will make available its laboratory facilities and will participate with its personnel in the project activities.