The proof of concept of an advanced sorption enhanced gasification (SEG) process for high efficiency high purity H2 stream production along with a high concentrated CO2 stream from residual biomass will be demonstrated through material and process development.
Research and development of plasma-assisted membrane reactor for CO2 to CO conversion, O2 separation and of reactor for methanol synthesis.
The GICO project is funded by the European Commission under the framework of the Horizon 2020 programme. GICO aims to develop renewable energy technologies that will form the backbone of the EU energy system by 2030 and 2050. GICO seeks to develop an advanced (in terms of applicability, reliability, efficiency, cost and impacts), smart and flexible (encompassing almost all biomass residues and highly discontinuous electricity) approach to convert bioenergy and RES electricity excess into biofuel and on-demand power production, so producing fuel for the transport sector meanwhile balancing the grid stability. To achieve such goals, a solution based on the integration of advanced SEG, CCSU and P2G technologies is proposed.

CO2 capture and conversion
H2 production via steam gasification intensified with CO2 capture process ; by CaO sorbent;
Syngas with hydrogen content more than double of the standard gasification and flue gas with 90% CO2 developing
CO2 dissociation via O2 membrane-assisted plasma reactor powered by renewable electricity surplus
Low CAPEX and OPEX owing to the higher efficiency and use of low-cost grid excess electricity

Biofuel and energy production
Methanol synthesis membrane reactor with double the yield per pass
electricity production via SOFC using Syngas
Increase technology performances of biofuel and bioelectricity energy efficiency increase of more than 35% (90% versus 65% for fuel and 40% versus 25% for electricity)
Cost reduction of more than 50% (33 €/MWh vs 75 €/MWh for fuel and 100 €/MWhe vs 220 €/MWhe for electricity)

New materials and technologies
HTC - HydroThermal Carbonization pre-treatment for high temperature removal of S and Cl components
Filter candles with integrated sorbents and catalyst for the reduction of inorganic species and H2 together with Plasma-Enhanced Catalytic Oxidation treatment (PECO); Reforming catalyst materials for high H2 production
Reforming catalyst materials for high H2 production
Novel perovskite membranes with plasma technologies for CO2 separation